Our group

Fibromyalgia Friends Together

meet face to face on the 3rd Thursday of every month
at The Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation, The Manor, Priory Lane, Ulverscroft, Markfield, Leicestershire (map below) UK.

Meetings start at 1.15 pm,  you are welcome to come before this and purchase hot food and drinks from the onsite kitchen.   

For members unable to come to our face-to-face meetings we have an active, supportive, and friendly Facebook Group,
with ~3,000 members,
and a Facebook Page

as well as our newsletter sent via email.


We were founded in 2015. We provide support across the whole of the UK, with our main base in Leicestershire.

We now have over 2,800 people in our online support group and 13,500 following our work via our Facebook Page.
We provide a telephone support and information line, where we can help with your mental health, help you with applying for benefits or give you general information and support.

You can find out more about us at: www.fibro.org.uk

Meetings are held:

Contact Us 

Through any of the following ways:-

Email: help@fibro.org.uk

Phone: 0116 2988007

Text/Whatsapp: 07741538773

We are happy to help!

Our Fibromyalgia Friends Together group officers are:  

Mark Farmer – Chair

Janet Hall – Secretary

Sandra Webster – Treasurer

Trevor and Pat Jordan – Activities and Fundraising Coordinators

Gill Youngs – Membership Officer

Diane Stephens – Moderator (Social Media)

Cara – Website and Social Media Officer

Chloe – Publicity Officer

This is our Fibromyalgia Friends Together Group Logo.

We find this logo of the leopard is often a talking point at our awareness stand and helps people to engage with us.  We find that people who have Fibromyalgia relate to the leopard as well.  

Updated September 2023