Annual General Meeting 2021

You are invited to the Fibromyalgia Friends

Together Annual General Meeting (AGM) taking

place on 16/09/2021 at 1.15pm.

Taking place at The Manor, Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation. Priory Lane. Ulverscroft. Markfield. Leicestershire. LE67 9PH.

Welcome by current Chair and their report for the year 2020 to 2021

  1. Officer reports for the year 2020 to 2021:

    Treasurer, including presentation of the accounts


    Events and Fundraising Coordinators

    Membership Officer

    Facebook Moderator


  2. Nominations for the following roles (Self nominations either before the meeting or at the meeting please to:




    Events and Fundraising Coordinators

    Membership Officer

    Facebook Moderator

    Publicity Officer


  3. Planning for the year ahead


  4. Any other business


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