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About Fibromyalgia Friends Together


Fibromyalgia Friends Together was first founded back in 2015,with the help of Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation, after the founder and chair himself, Mark Farmer, was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, and found little support was available to those with this condition. As of today, we have over 14,000 people following our work online with over 2,800 active members on our Facebook group, where discussions, support, and advice can be given to not only further understanding of fibromyalgia, but to help live with the condition too. This is reflected by the fact that we have GPs  referring people to the group and have helped people over the country through a telephone helpline.

In addition, we host monthly face-to-face meetings, on the third Thursday of every month at The Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation, The Manor, Priory Lane, Ulverscroft, Markfield, Leicestershire, starting at 1:15pm and finishing at 3pm. These are well attended by both those with the condition and carers alike, where a variety of topics and subjects are covered, ranging from mindfulness to how to apply for Personal Independence Payment (PIP). The aim is to create and give others a safe space, where individuals can gather support, gain a better understanding, and learn to live with the condition itself.


About Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, tenderness, and fatigue. It is considered a syndrome, which means it is a collection of symptoms that tend to occur together. The exact cause of fibromyalgia is not known, but it is believed to involve a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors.


The primary symptom of fibromyalgia is chronic, widespread pain that affects multiple areas of the body. The pain is typically described as a constant dull ache, although it can vary in intensity and may be accompanied by aching, stiffness, or tenderness in specific areas called “tender points.” These tender points are often found in the neck, shoulders, chest, hips, and knees.


In addition to pain, individuals with fibromyalgia may experience other symptoms such as fatigue, sleep disturbances, cognitive difficulties (commonly referred to as “fibro fog”), headaches, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), restless legs syndrome (RLS), anxiety, and depression. These symptoms can vary in severity and may fluctuate over time.


The diagnosis of fibromyalgia can be challenging, as there are no specific laboratory tests or imaging studies to confirm it. 

In the UK, fibromyalgia is recognised as a long-term condition and is estimated to affect around 2-4% of the population. It is more commonly diagnosed in women than in men. The exact cause of fibromyalgia is unknown, but it is believed to involve a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors.


The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK provides guidelines for the diagnosis and management of fibromyalgia. A diagnosis is typically made based on a thorough evaluation of symptoms and ruling out other possible conditions. There is no cure for fibromyalgia, so treatment usually focuses on managing symptoms and improving quality of life.


Treatment approaches for fibromyalgia in the UK may include a combination of medication, physical therapy, psychological support, and lifestyle changes. Medications such as pain relievers, antidepressants, and anticonvulsants may be prescribed to help manage pain, improve sleep, and reduce symptoms. Physical therapy, such as exercise programs and physiotherapy, can help improve strength, flexibility, and overall well-being. Psychological support, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or counseling, may be beneficial in managing the emotional and psychological impact of fibromyalgia.


Meet the Team-  Mark Farmer
Founder and Chair of Fibromyalgia Friends Together


I have suffered from pain throughout my whole life and was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and psoriatic arthritis in 2015.  My pain has gotten progressively worse, but thanks to medication and self-management, including pacing and being kind to myself, I now live with the pain. After being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, I quickly realised that there wasn’t really any support available to us and with the support of the Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation decided to establish Fibromyalgia Friends Together in 2015. My role is to provide leadership to the group to ensure it meets our objectives, which are to raise awareness of Fibromyalgia, to provide support to people diagnosed with it and their carers and to secure better services for us.  I am well supported in doing this with, through the hard work of our officer team, called our Steering Group.  I’m a Mental Health First, Aider and can provide initial mental health support and guidance to anyone who needs it. 

You can contact Mark directly at: chair@fibro.org.uk


Upcoming dates for your calendar


Thursday 18th of May 2023, 1.15pm- Managing life with Fibromyalgia-  How to pace yourself. Face to face session at The Manor, The Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation.  Ulverscroft. Leicestershire. Starts at 1.15pm.  Refreshments available for purchase before and after the meeting. 


Thursday 22nd of June, 1.15pm- Topic to be confirmed. Face to face session at The Manor, The Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation.  Ulverscroft. Leicestershire. Starts at 1.15pm.  Refreshments available for purchase before and after the meeting. 


Tuesday 11th of July 2023, Manor Day Visit – This includes arriving at around 10:30am and being served with coffee and biscuits. A hot lunch is served at 12:30pm which consists of a main course and a sweet. Tea and cakes are offered at 2:30pm prior to leaving for home at approximately 3:00pm. Leaving plenty of time to meet up with friends and have a good chat. All this for a suggested donation of £10.00. Weather permitting there is the opportunity to take an electric buggy ride around the grounds and even visit Ulverscroft Grange. This event is limited to 24 people so if you are interested contact Trev or Pat Jordan events@fibro.org.uk or call 0116 2988007.  


Thursday 20th of  July 2023, 1.15pm- Claiming for benefits.   Face to face session at The Manor, The Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation.  Ulverscroft. Leicestershire. Starts at 1.15pm.  Refreshments available for purchase before and after the meeting. 




Copyright (C) 2023. All rights reserved.

Contact us:

E-mail: contact@fibro.org.uk

Phone: 0116 298 8007

Post: Fibromyalgia Friends Together

Ulverscroft Manor

Priory Lane


LE67 9PH

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