We have secured over £6,000!

We have secured over £6,000 to help raise awareness of Fibromyalgia, to help support sufferers and their carers and to help purchase equipment that will help us carry out. We are currently detailed proposals to have an access fund to help Fibromyalgia sufferers, their carers, friends and family to come to our meetings.

Many thanks to Leicestershire County Council and Charnwood Borough Council for your support. The money will make a real difference!


You can contact us at:

E-mail: contactus@www.fibro.org.uk

Phone: 0116 2988007

Facebook: www.facebook.com/fibromyalgiafriendstogether

and Facebook group at: www.facebook.com/groups/fibromyalgiafriendstogether/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fibromyalgiafrt

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fibromyalgiafriendstogether/


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