Newsletter Edition 2

This is a picture of Trevor and Pat, our Activities and Fundraising Coordinators

Edition 2


Fibromyalgia Friends Together

Welcome to our June 2023 newsletter

Edition 2


Support for Living with Fibromyalgia

At Fibromyalgia Friends Together we understand just how difficult it can be living with this condition and we strive to try and make it just a bit easier for those who need it most. It can be hard knowing where else you can get support other than from your GP and especially daunting in working out not only what support you need, but how to access it too.  There are several other organisations out there which links are listed which include other charities, online support groups, and even an fibromyalgia magazine you can subscribe too as well as Citizen’s Advice which whilst doesn’t provide specific support for fibromyalgia, can help in other areas such as with finances.

Another major concern for most is finances; worries about money and how they ills can be paid, which has only worsened due to the cost of living crisis. Below are different types of payments which can be claimed, as well as other useful sections on the blue badge and Citizen’s Advice.  



If you live in Leicestershire, we can help you apply for benefits.  Please drop us a line at: or call 0116 2988007.  Outside of Leicestershire, we provide basic advice on benefits, and applying for them, but we unable to assist you with applying.



Meet the Team!

Together we are the Activities and Fundraising Coordinators for the group. So, we are responsible for organising all the group’s activities including outdoor awareness displays, supermarket displays and any other activity where we can introduce ourselves to the public and explain to them what the group is all about. Organising social days out for the group’s friends and family. Organising fundraising events such as car boot sales and sponsored walks. Together we enjoy talking to people and helping them with much needed support. We joined the group in August 2017.



I have had Fibromyalgia for 30+ years. My struggle with Fibromyalgia took a turn for the better after a course of acupuncture 15 years ago and changed my life. I like to keep active and try to do Aqua Aerobics 4 times a week which I find helps me keep mobile and stops me stiffening up.



I haven’t got Fibromyalgia but living with Pat and her constant battle with Fibromyalgia I totally understand the problems people are having. I’m classed as Pats carer. I’m a Mental Health First Aider and available to help anyone who thinks they need help and point them in the right direction to get professional help.

You can contact us at


You can contact Trevor and Pat directly at:


Upcoming dates for your calendar

Thursday 20th of  July 2023, 1.15pm- Estate planning, Trusts and Powers of Attorney..  Face to face session at The Manor, The Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation.  Ulverscroft. Leicestershire. Starts at 1.15pm.  Refreshments available for purchase before and after the meeting.

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